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Lupit Pole Pro SS-2P

Lupit Pole Pro is designed for professional use in pole dance studios, fitness centers, and other places where quick (10 seconds) installation/removal is necessary. It is commonly used for pole dance competitions.

This pole is customized for any height up to 4,2m. f the studio owner is planning to move the studio to another location with a different ceiling height it is much cheaper to change only the extension rather than changing the whole pole.

The pole has Lupit’s unique AVFAS (Automatic Vertical Force Adjusting System) which has two functions: Firstly it enables quick installation and secondly it automatically equally distributes vertical force to upper and lower bearing system during exercising on the pole. Together with unique Upper Disc Flex System it ensures maximum spin performance and safety. Dancer gets the highest satisfaction on this pole because it is totally smooth from the top to the bottom, it is safe and reliable, has amazing spin and optimum grip. The pole is made of Hi quality materials such Hi polish stainless steel.

Package includes all parts needed for installation and detailed instructions.

To be used with Lupit Pro Cart for faster installation!

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  • Spinning and Static mode
  • Smooth pole design, two piece pole for adjusting height by changing the extension
  • AVFAS (Automatic Vertical Force Adjusting System)
  • Upper Disc Flex System absorbs bending force and distribute it equally
  • Diameter 45mm is the perfect grip for most dancers
  • Custom made for Maximum Ceilings to 4,2 m
  • Quadruple ball bearing system for top spin
  • Upper disc must be fixed to the ceiling but no drilling to the floor
  • Inox / stainless still construction
  • To be used with Lupit Cart for faster installation!
  • NOTE: Prices are indicative, please ask us for final costs.


  • Pole sets are delivered with courier at the address of your choice
  • In case of zero shipping cost please contact us at sales@devadanceshop.com

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